stripped bare

The colour of the day is Black

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I’m wearing bright colours today, hoping that it would affect the black aura that’s hovering around me like a shadow. But It’s Not Working. Things started early in the morning when my mother had to call me just 3 minutes before my alarm clock was gonna ring. Bad sign. Then I realised I fucked up with my exam registration so it ends up that I have to pay even more than I had originally thought.

Today: No grovelling, no fake nice attitude, no entertaining others, no holding back on words, no enduring of rude people on the phone, no giving up of seats to others who only look like they need it more than me, no keeping quiet when people push me too hard. Just plain ‘ole, short-tempered, bitchy, vulgarity-spewing, stripped-down, bare-faced, original ME.

Meow. Watch your back.

Written by smudgi3

January 24, 2006, Tuesday at 16:09

Posted in Dear Diary, Insight

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